Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hi to all,
This is going to be my first original post on blog.I have made blog one year before but never used.I didn't write on blog because i felt that there is nothing to write on blog.Also my friends dont write and all of them are there on facebook and orkut.
One other reason my father writes blog.
And i feel on blog one cant use SMS language(example : because has been written as becos,you has been changed to U)
Also it is so difficult to give a written shape to thoughts.The same happen to me right now,all my thoughts flew away as i started typing.
Also i am getting the feeling that after reading this post my father will surely say me 'You have to improve in your written part of English'.So i think i should write something meaningful which can be useful for whole 'World'.But First i would like to hear from you all i mean whoever read this post.
Nothing much to write now.Eagerly waiting for comments or compliments:).This post resembles to a letter.Isn't it?


  1. A great step in right direction. Please record January 13, 2011 as a red letter day in your life. This day you have taken a first step towards becoming a great writer in due course of life. Neil Armstrong when set his first foot on moon had exclaimed: A small step for me but a great leap for humanity. Similarly, you may be thinking it a small step, but this a great leap for you and humanity at large. Congratulations.

  2. Hello great,

    Wish you the best for the interview.

  3. Hello Mermaid

    Congrats for your continuous successes in the year 2011.
